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Contact form

To avoid waiting too long for a response due to a reduced service this month of August and in the event of an urgent request, you can contact the Abbaye de Fontenay directly by telephone on +33(0)3 80 92 15 00

Regarding requests for upcoming cultural events:

The Nocturne with the Ambrosinians of August 13, 2022
Walking concert by the Gregorian chant choir, Les AmbrosiniensFontenay Abbey does not take reservations.
The ticket office opens on site the same day from 8:45 p.m
Prices are €14/adult and €9 for children under 12.On presentation of your visit ticket of the day: additional €6.

The Fantastic Picnic of September 11, 2022
For all reservations for the gourmet stroll:
Online on the site www.helloasso.com in CB at this address: urlr.me/LWBVm
On site at the Abbaye de Fontenay ticket office, in cash or by check payable to ARAF
By post by sending a check payable to Araf to the following address: Abbaye de Fontenay – Inscriptions Balade Dégustation 2022 - 21500 Marmagne
indicating the Surname / First name / Telephone / Email of the participants
For all reservations for the Hot Air Balloon Flight: France Montgolfières: 03 80 97 38 61

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Abbaye de Fontenay
21500 Marmagne
Tél. : +33 (0)3 80 92 15 00

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